Meeting Time: November 08, 2023 at 8:45am EST
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Agenda Item

H-1.) Instructional Appointments and Leaves 2023-2024

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    Mavel Russo over 1 year ago

    Good Day,
    I respectfully request the board today takes a serious approach to help retain teachers in Broward Schools. Our educators need a significant pay increase. I have the privilege to work among many bright educators who are committed to provide the best academic experience to their students. Unfortunately, the feeling of being unappreciated is overwhelming. The reality is our teachers deserve better. So many are actively searching for other professions simply because they can no longer afford to remain as teachers. Our neighboring counties have implemented increases to help keep their teachers, can we not do better than 1.69%? I am certain that our district can. It is up to you as School Board to find a way to help our district increase our teachers salary. If Palm Beach County could budget an increase of 7%, can't Broward County do the same? If your budget keepers are not coming up with solutions for a meaningful pay increase of teachers, then you, our School Board, needs to really seek more information on how to do so effectively.
    As an experience teacher of 25 years, it saddens me to watch the quality of education provided to students be negatively impacted. You get what you pay for, it is as simple as that. Our veteran teachers are a dying breed, and the new teachers will not remain in a profession that does not provide enough income for sustaining an average life style.
    Do the right thing, provide an increase that will allow teachers to remain in this beautiful profession.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter,
    Mavel Russo