Meeting Time: March 20, 2024 at 9:00am EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.) 10:15 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.  Redefining BCPS, Part 1- ADDED EXHIBITS    

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    Nicole Kearney 9 months ago

    Communication from the District continues to be its biggest problem - this process has been no different. Community members and municipalities have been asked to provide input on the process without knowing what strategic and specific goals the District is trying to meet. This presentation makes no recommendations and still does not detail strategic goals. This first presentation on repurposing 20+? schools does not provide enough information for the Board to make any decisions or the community to provide any meaningful comment. More information needs to be made available to the public to ensure transparency and more direct communication is needed.

    To date, the Redefining Broward Schools webpage has not been updated to reflect completed or future engagement opportunities, including this Workshop or a direct link to the Agenda materials even though the webpage is featured on the homepage. This webpage should provide the most up to date information on this process, as well as all information that has been released.

    The District has stated that some communities would not be impacted by the redefining and other communities are actively trying to avoid being part of the conversation - this already sets to the tone that the District will continue to prioritize certain communities over others and it needs to STOP! We are ONE Broward County Public Schools!

    I’m proud to be part of the BCPS family and want to see it succeed! I hope we can do that together!