Meeting Time: May 21, 2024 at 8:45am EDT
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Agenda Item

C-2.) Committee Motion Requests

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    Melissa Ramos 7 months ago

    Dear School Board Members: I am Torey Alston's ESE Parent Rep. I also serve as chair of the ACE-Autism subcommittee of ESE Advisory.
    I ask you to please pass this motion so that our ESE students will not be penalized unfairly for midterm exam scores, thereby matching the system in place by which they are protected against being unfairly penalized for EOC scores per FL statute and district policy.

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    Steven Moyer 7 months ago

    There should be uniform testing protocols across the District for ESE Students. Allowing some ESE Students to waive testing at some Schools, and not at others, is not equitable and in conflict with the Constitutional requirement for a uniform education. OUR District need to provide a more uniform education across the County, the 230+ different educations we now have does not serve Students fairly, especially ESE Students.

    Steve Moyer

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    Camila Corredor 7 months ago

    As a mother with a kid with a disability It's important to make sure that kids with disabilities who attend to public schools to not take into account the midterms scores due that most of them have anxiety when taking test specially midterms, making the score sometimes be incorrect. Their grades shouldn't be affected by this. There's is multiple data collected during the year that is more accurate than the actual test scores. I support the ESE advisory with this motion.