Meeting Time: June 18, 2024 at 8:45am EDT
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Agenda Item

C-1.) Advisory and Committee Motion Requests ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 

  • Pxl_20240606_000858103
    Camille Castilla 6 months ago

    In light of a conflict of interest (COI) allegation involving the Audit Committee Chair, the public should have grave concerns regarding the motives behind any motions put forth by the Audit Committee. As such, any and all motions put forth by this committee should receive additional review for the reasons stated below.

    In a formal letter, dated 12/19/2023, District 6 Board Member Brenda Fam, rescinded the nomination of her representative on the Audit Committee citing a potential COI.

    Subsequent Public Records Requests (PRR) revealed that neither the School Board or Staff, acknowledge any documentation exists identifying what this potential COI is despite taking punitive action as a result of the information.

    Also uncovered by the PRR, the individual, who currently serves as the Audit Committee Chair, does not have a completed school district Conflict of Information Form on file as required by Policy 1070.

    The public should be aware that the Audit Committee assists and advises the School Board and the Superintendent in matters pertaining to the fiscal management of the school system. As the Chair of the Audit Committee, this individual is empowered to steer investigations. Both of these responsibilities are in incongruent with any potential COI. It also places her in a position to potentially provide cover in instances of fraud, as well as for the unethical allocation of resources.

    Per the PRR, the COI was never disclosed to the Board Chair or Superintendent for further review. The Audit Committee was also not informed of the possible COI prior to voting in the individual as their Chair, which ethically is a shade of gray at best.

    It is asked that the School Board and Superintendent consider the preceding and take the following actions as appropriate.

    Declare the details of the alleged COI involving the current Audit Committee Chair.

    Determine if this conflict still exists.

    If the COI still exists, per Policy 1070, direct the Superintendent to remove the incumbent from the committee immediately and instill a new Chair.

    Additionally, it is requested the Board authorize an Audit of all committee members serving the District and remove any that fail to meet the standards required by Policy 1070.