Meeting Time: September 10, 2024 at 8:45am EDT
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Agenda Item

H-2.) Instructional Separation of Employment or Discipline 2024-2025

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    Trudy J 6 months ago

    My name is Dr. Trudy Jermanovich.
    When we continually lose teachers, the district must listen to why it’s happening in order to stem the tide. Here’re some suggestions from a recent article.
    "Why would a teacher of the year nominee, who loves what she does, who has the best team, the best students and parents, and was lucky enough to be at the best elementary school not want to come back?"
    "Let me tell you why….

    1. Class size. Everything in my training, what I know about kids and what I see every day says that early childhood classes should be at 24 or less (ideally 22 or less.) Kids are screaming for attention. There are so many students who have social or emotional disorders. They NEED their teacher to take time to listen to them. They NEED their teacher to see them. They NEED fewer students in their class. The people making these decisions are NOT looking out for the students' best interests.

    2. Respect. I feel disrespected by the district all year long. They don't trust that I know what I am doing. I have a college degree, go to trainings every year, read books and articles about kids, and most importantly, work with kids every day. I KNOW something about how they learn and what works best for them. Please listen to us.

    3. Testing. Stop testing young kids. It doesn't do anyone any good. Do you know which kids slept poorly last night? Do you know who didn't have breakfast? Do you know whose parents are fighting? Do you know who forgot their glasses and can't see the computer? Do you know who struggles to read, but has come so far, just not on your timeline? You don't, but I do. I know some of my best students score poorly on their tests because of life circumstances. I know some of my lower students guessed their way through and got lucky.
    Why stress kids out by testing them?

    How about you ask ME, the professional, how they are doing? Ask ME, the teacher who sees these kids every single day. Ask ME, the teacher who knows the handwriting of all 27 kids. Ask ME, the adult in their life who may be more constant than their own parents. Ask ME, then let me teach.”