Meeting Time: September 10, 2024 at 8:45am EDT
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Agenda Item

RR-1.) 2024-2025 School Board Resolutions (October - June) SPECIAL ORDER - 11:00 A.M.

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    Michael Ray at September 09, 2024 at 12:38pm EDT

    I oppose Resolution in Support of LGBTQIA+ History Month – October 2024 and Resolution in Support of Pride Month – June 2025. Sexual relations are a PRIVATE matter. It is bizarre to celebrate what kind of sex SOME people prefer. And this is totally inappropriate of children and minors, K-12. If you want to celebrate "diversity", select an aspect that we ALL agree upon, rather than something which deeply divides us. Many in our community of all races, ethnicities, cultures and religions stronly oppose lgbt ideology. We must be sensitive and selective about what schools celebrate BECAUSE of our diversity. This means not unnecessarily offending large segments of our community. We don't need more division in schools. We need unity. Furthermore, the continous addition of letters to the acronym "lgbt" is worrisome. Where does it stop? Will INCEST be added in the future? PROSTITUTION? POLYGAMY? MAP (Minor-Attracted Person) / PEDOPHILIA? The wisest course is to let children be children. Protect their innocence and avoid any and all attempts to "celebrate" anyone's sexuality or orientation. Whether in the classroom or simply a resolution, it has NO PLACE in schools. Please respect us parents and respect that we are a diverse community. Do not promote or celebrate that which is divisive and offensive to many in the community. You don't want to create a HOSTILE environment for students and parents who for philosophical, moral, cultural or religous reasons deeply disagree with lgbt behavior and ideology. Therefore I respectfully request you reject this resolution. Thank you.

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    Sallie Turner at September 09, 2024 at 11:02am EDT

    Thank you for your time today. There are over 100 Resolutions for the school year 2024-25 in support of a singled-out group of students. The real question would be what is school for? Every school is to provide and protect ALL students, K-12, and focus on education, not sexual identity. Jesus says we are ALL special in his eyes and every hair on our heads is numbered. How about Resolution ALL: Every day celebrate any student who displays excellence and amazing accomplishments. Leave sex out of it

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    Yesenia Rosario at September 08, 2024 at 10:43pm EDT

    As parents, we do what we can to protect the innocence of our children. God gave us our precious children & our responsibility is to them, not to people that want to push their indoctrination & agenda on them. We already have to monitor everything. Radio & TV stations don’t do their part to ensure that perversions are not broadcast. We never know when a commercial is going to show something we don’t want the kids to see. “Family” channels are no longer family-friendly & no longer censor images that can confuse children. We can’t even trust sports halftime shows & the Olympics anymore because they push sexual perversion & genitalia through the TV, where they know children will be watching & they don’t care.
    So, we don’t send our kids to schools to then be exposed to things we are trying to protect them from. We don’t send them to be confused, indoctrinated, and forced to believe something about themselves that is far from the truth. We must not allow outside influences that are looking to pervert the minds of children, to come into the schools.
    Most families can’t afford to stay home & teach their children. We have to trust you to do what is right for our children. They need to learn about real history, math, real science, reading, literature, arts, music, physical education, etc., not sexuality and gender confusion. Exposing them to how people identify sexually is not necessary. None of you grew up with this in your schools because it was not appropriate.
    Teach them about people & their accomplishments without making it about sexuality, no one cares. Teach them who went to outer space, who created an amazing invention, who created an amazing art piece, etc., and reinforce to them what we teach at home - how to respect others and how every life is precious without making it about people's sexual choices.
    You have a duty to protect the children. Leave adult topics about sexual orientation & preferences out of schools. WE NEED righteous teachers and leaders to stand up & do what is right. Be an example to the rest of the nation.
    I also represent parents that are scared to speak up, they’ve seen backlash that others have faced. Parents should not feel threatened when they speak up to protect their children.

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    William Russell at September 06, 2024 at 3:30pm EDT


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    AL Rocha 15 days ago

    Schools must be neutral and safe places for children to learn. Not to impose a political agenda using children to lean about sexual orientation, LGBT, etc… It’s parents responsibility to educate their children in topics like that, not the school or any government level.

    Stop this nonsense, including several days to celebrate all kinds of things that just create more division, there better ways to educate kids where they will learn better

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    Carolina Casallas 15 days ago

    Parents should not be forced to explain to elementary students, let alone kindergarteners, that do not even understand a heterosexual sexual relationship that there is such a thing as a homosexual sexual orientation. Schools must be neutral and safe places for children to learn. Not to impose a political agenda using children. Stop this nonsense