Meeting Time: July 30, 2024 at 2:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

2.) Non-Instructional Separation of Employment or Discipline 2024-2025

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    Trudy J 4 months ago

    Regarding the case of Jessica Norton, I believe, as some expressed on this Board, this family has suffered enough by what has already happened to them.

    Instead of ignoring their child like Elon Musk did, this family did all they could to be loving parents and help this child mature into a successful human being. Instead of saying “my son is dead to me, as Elon Musk did,” this family supported their child’s unique personhood.

    I urge this Board to convince the Superintendent to not terminate Jessica Norton, but to allow her to return to her job as Technical Support person with the penalty of time served.

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    Kristen Ferretti 4 months ago

    In order for the termination recommendation to not "seem political", the board requested to see the past 5 years of actions/discipline for school district employees who have violated state law. Let's be clear on this. Jessica Norton did not break the law. She has never even had one disciplinary action by the school board during her tenure at Monarch. Also note that the state "law" she allegedly broke does not have any legal consequences. Yet she was abruptly and publicly removed from the school. This "law" is unconstitutional and similar "laws" are being overturned by the federal judicial system everyday across the country. To the board member who is concerned with what this issue is costing taxpayers, I suggest you reach out to your governor because his actions are costing the taxpayers millions for HIS legal fees. Also, the fine imposed by the FHSAA was arbitrary, as they did not even wait for any investigation into the allegations. It was suggested by another board member that Mrs. Norton should not be allowed to keep her current position in records administration because she falsely changed records. This is inaccurate. No documents were falsely changed by Mrs. Norton. This board member also stated that ALL athletics were banned for one year. Another inaccurate statement. Only ONE child was banned from participating in sports. Another board member said that they spoke with faculty and students at a school where another employee faced disciplinary action. I am wondering if any of the current board members spoke to the Monarch Principal, faculty/staff, or students about who Mrs. Norton is the Knight family. If they had, they would know that she is an integral part of the school. Her love and compassion for the students in unmatched and they miss her. Just ask them. "It is not the same here without you" has been repeated over and over again by the Knight Family. Termination of Mrs. Norton is not acceptable.