Meeting Time: December 17, 2024 at 8:45am EST


The School Board of Broward County values the Voice of the Stakeholder. We appreciate the input of the public and take all feedback into consideration. To share your feedback, please reference the options below to register to provide in-person comments on agenda items, submit a public written agenda comment, or participate in speaking on general subject matters of any concern. 

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    xavier griffin at December 12, 2024 at 10:17pm EST


    Greetings to all in their respectable,

    My name is Xavier Griffin. I have been employed with the Broward County School board approaching 10 years, within those years I have only been employed at Cypress Run Educational Center Run. My Prior job experiences have been decade to working with unprivileged kids. Noting that my career history for the past twenty years has been impeccable as I positively impact those I have constructively, and responsibility worked around within these past 20 years.
    The accusations that are spoken against myself are irresponsible and lacking honesty and unfortunately; I have to plead my innocence before the board when the evidence proves unfounded wrongness on my behalf in the video as well as the four witness statements that corresponds with the video. Their statements unanimously proclaim that I did nothing wrong. I feel that this is being done out of jealousy due to the fact the kids respect me and doesn't personal care for the principal. Upon Dr. Karlton Johnson's arrival at Cypress Run, it has never been noticed Dr. Johnson engaging with the children to a level where they know he cares. He has targeted me from the beginning, making false statements to parents about me, had a parent come to my secondary employment and tell my employer a fabricated story about me, and undermined my position at the school. I'm requesting that the board uphold what the evidence shows and reinstate me fully into my position.